Gone Walkabout...

This blog was going to be about my travels and impressions I had from them. But my attention span went walkabout. And like with any good walkabout I discovered unexpected things. I invite you to come explore with me...

You can contact me at teri-gonewalkabout@live.com

Saturday, November 7, 2009

October Wrap-up

October was a good month. After getting back from the trip, we settled into a routine of working in the shed and yard -- when it wasn't raining! In October we received 7.30 inches of rain!! Yes, it is soggy around here!!

Our main project has been the shed. It's actually a big detached garage and it was full of stuff. A lot of the "stuff" was from when we moved and it was well past time to deal with it. So we have been going thru boxes, tubs, and bags deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. Our truck has been getting a workout. We have hauled 4 loads to New Spring thrift shop (a resale shop that supports the Africa For Jesus project) and one load over to the Habitat for Humanity "ReStore" shop. It makes parting with 'good' stuff much easier when you know it's going to raise funds for a program you believe in. I've refused to count how many trips to the dump we've made! We have managed to clear a lot of space and will be building shelves for proper storage (like Christmas decorations) in November.

When it's been dry enough (which hasn't been often), we have done some work in the yard. Harry came back over with his bulldozer and cleared a space in the woods where we will have our "outdoor family room". Didn't get any work done past the bulldozing because of the continuous rain.

At church we've been working on the mission program; planning and getting ideas. Personally, we finished out our Operation Christmas Child boxes the end of the month.

Other than the normal, everyday things... that is what we've been up to.

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