Gone Walkabout...

This blog was going to be about my travels and impressions I had from them. But my attention span went walkabout. And like with any good walkabout I discovered unexpected things. I invite you to come explore with me...

You can contact me at teri-gonewalkabout@live.com

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Please God, let us help in Africa!

Himself and I have been given a wonderful opportunity to support a native missionary in Tanzania. We have some new friends at our church – Ryan and Emily have founded an organization that equips local pastors to spread the Word in unreached areas. It's only $30 a month! Can you imagine?! That small amount can make such a huge difference.

Below is from Ryan and Emily:

Africa for Jesus ( http://www.africaforjesus.org/ ) is a Native Missionary sponsorship organization dedicated to reaching all unreached people in Africa. As AFJ assigns Native Missionaries to villages, sponsors keep them there by providing for their basic family needs.

Since 2002, AFJ has sent Native Missionaries to the most unreached places in Africa, planting hundreds of church fellowships in villages across Africa. Typically AFJ supports a missionary family for two to three years, depending on how long it takes for their newly founded churches to support them financially.

Your sponsorship dollars allow your missionary to live and work in an unreached village full time without the burden of working another job to provide for his family. Your support will pay for house rent, food, clothing and other basic needs.

Each day your missionary will do house-to-house evangelism, cell groups, pray for the sick, minister in surrounding villages and disciple new believers. On average, within one year he will have established a church fellowship.

Lazaro K.

Testimony: In 1969, a pastor began telling me about Jesus Christ. The following year, I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. After this, my father and mother separated. Life began to get harder and harder. The worse things got, the more I prayed.

One day I told God that if He is strong, I want to see salvation for my parents. They were deeply involved in magic and witchcraft. My father’s uncle was a witch doctor, as well as this man’s father. Every generation was the same. Even though things were bad, people could see that Jesus was with me.

I later joined the Army. Unfortunately, I began to sin more and more as the temptation grew stronger. I left the army seeking peace and to gain a closer walk with God. After I did this, I miraculously became a strong believer and was not afraid to preach the Gospel to everyone. I went to schools to learn the Bible more, so that God could use me more. Now my heart thirsts to do the work of God, wherever AFJ decides to send me.

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