Gone Walkabout...

This blog was going to be about my travels and impressions I had from them. But my attention span went walkabout. And like with any good walkabout I discovered unexpected things. I invite you to come explore with me...

You can contact me at teri-gonewalkabout@live.com

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moving On Up -- My Blog Has a New Address

My allowed amount of photo space on this blog has maxed out. Not really sure what happened since it made a fast jump from 45% to 99%... and didn't change a bit when I deleted off a bunch of old posts with photos and videos.


So I've started a new blog at http://teri-gonewalkabout2.blogspot.com My first post will be today -- 1 June.

This blog will remain up.

I'll be transfering in the blogs that I am following to the new site and hope everyone that is currently following me will add me on at my new address.